Women’s AgeSmart Wellness Screening
- Full Blood Count
- Fasting Cholesterol test
- Fasting Blood Sugar test
- HbA1c (accurate for diabetes screening)
- Kidney Function test (blood + urine)
- Liver Function test
- Electrolytes (Calcium/Chloride/Phosphate)
- Thyroid Function test (TSH, FT4, FT3)
- Hepatitis B and C screening
- Tumour Marker testing (for ovarian, liver, bowel, nasopharyngeal, and pancreatic cancer screening)
- Serum Iron
- Serum Insulin
- Insulin-like Growth Factor
- Vitamin D
- C-reactive Protein
- Serum Homocysteine
- Fibrinogen
- Hormone test
- Oestradiol,
- FSH,
- LH,
- Progesterone,
- Prolactin,
- Testosterone levels,
- Cortisol studies,
- DHEA-sulphate,
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone,
- Sex hormone-binding globulin,
- Free androgen index