IUD: "Secure, Simple, and Reliable: Choose the IUD for Peace of Mind."

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception with IUD
An IUD, or intrauterine device, provides highly effective long- lasting, easily reversible, and safe contraception.
The IUD is a reliable choice for reversible birth control, offering 99% effectiveness in preventing pregnancy without requiring daily compliance like contraceptive pills.
Types of IUDs
Hormonal IUDs (e.g., MIRENA, KYLEENA) release progestin locally, providing up to 5 years of contraception with minimal systemic hormonal effects. Non-hormonal Copper IUDs function as spermicide and they can prevent pregnancy for up to 5- 10 years. Copper IUDs can also serve as emergency contraception when inserted within 120 hours of unprotected sex.
Insertion and Removal of IUD
- Insertion Procedure: Prior to insertion a short consultation and an ultrasound is done to see if an IUD is suitable for you. A urine pregnancy test would also be done to exclude pregnancy.It is best to get the IUD inserted during your period to reduce discomfort. It is an outpatient procedure, allowing you to resume your normal daily activities immediately after insertion.
- IUD Removal: This procedure is a short and simple procedure done anytime during/outside your period cycle.
Emergency Contraception with IUD
Copper IUDs inserted within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse can prevent fertilization by causing a chemical change in sperm and egg before they meet.
Frequently Asked Questions about IUDs
Insertion Process: The IUD is placed into the uterus through the cervix using specialized tools.
Pain During Insertion: Discomfort levels vary, which is why insertion during menstruation is often recommended. Pain relievers may be prescribed beforehand.
Timing of Insertion: Preferably done during menstruation.
Resuming Sexual Activity: Copper IUDs provide immediate contraception; hormonal IUDs like Mirena/Kyleena require additional birth control for the first 7 days.
Post-Insertion: Temporary discomfort such as cramping or backaches may occur initially, but typically resolves over time.
Risks Associated with IUDs: Risks include infection, ectopic pregnancy, and uterine perforation during insertion, necessitating prompt medical attention.
Conclusion: Choosing an IUD involves informed decision-making with your healthcare provider to match contraceptive needs with individual lifestyles. For personalized contraception options, contact KLEM Clinics today.