P-Shot | PRP

P-Shot: Essential Information
The P-Shot, also known as the Priapus Shot, utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) extracted from the patient's blood and injected into the penis. This procedure stimulates tissue growth and enhances blood flow, resulting in stronger, firmer, longer-lasting erections.
How P-Shots Work
The P-Shot procedure begins with drawing blood from the patient, which is then processed in a machine to separate its components: blood cells, platelets, and serum. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) serum, rich in growth factors, is then carefully reinjected into the patient's penis. This process stimulates cell regeneration and aids in repairing damaged blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation to the penis for enhanced erections.
As men age, Erectile Dysfunction often occurs due to narrowed blood vessels and aging tissue, which diminish blood flow to the penis. However, adequate blood circulation is essential for achieving erections, and Platelet Rich Plasma injections can be beneficial in enhancing this aspect.
Benefits of P-Shots
- Penile enhancement
- Enhanced penile sensitivity
- Stronger erections
- Longer lasting erections
- Increased pleasure
- Improved sexual stamina
- Elimination of pain during intercourse
- Increased blood flow to the penis
- Treat Peyronie’s disease
P-Shot Treatment Procedure
The P-Shot is performed as an outpatient procedure, allowing patients to return home the same day. The procedure involves the following steps:
- Application of numbing cream to the penis to ensure patients are pain-free during injections.
- Blood sample collection from the patient's arm, followed by centrifugation to isolate platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
- Extraction of PRP and loading into syringes.
- Administration of PRP via four injection sites into the penile shaft.
This is an outpatient procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes. You can resume sexual activity that same day, within 24 hours after the treatment.
Possible Side Effects of P-Shots
While side effects can vary from person to person, they tend to be minimal (since PRP is taken from your own blood). Side effects, while rare, can include :
bruising and swelling at the injection site which may last between 24-72 hours
minimal bleeding.
- bruising and swelling at the injection site which may last between 24-72 hours minimal bleeding.
- minimal bleeding.
What to Expect from P-Shots
The duration of effectiveness for P-Shot injections varies individually, but many men typically enjoy their benefits for several months to a year. Additionally, it's typical to start noticing improvements within weeks after the initial injection. The specific timing and frequency of injections required will depend on your overall health and other factors influencing your sexual function.