HPV Vaccine for HPV Prevention with Gardasil Vaccine

KLEM Clinics provides efficient and affordable HPV vaccination services which is crucial for preventing Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections. HPV is responsible for genital warts and is highly prevalent, often asymptomatic but potentially leading to serious health issues in both men and women.
Not Just For Women
Recent studies highlight HPV-related oral cancers are increasing among men faster than cervical cancer in women. The virus is also linked to cancers of the vulva, anus, penis, and vagina.
HPV and Genital Warts
HPV spreads through skin-to-skin contact and sexual contact, affecting the genital and ano-genital regions.
Preventing HPV Infection With HPV Vaccination
Gardasil 9 vaccine is crucial for preventing HPV, offering long-lasting protection against nine strains. Early vaccination is crucial, ideally before sexual activity begins.
10 Facts On Genital Warts
- Causedby HPV infection
- Spreadthrough sexual contact
- Canlead to precancerous or cancerous changes
- Mostcommon STI in the US
- Vaccinationadvised for ages 9-11
- Canvary in appearance and size
- Maycause skin irritation
- Appearancecan be cauliflower-like or smooth
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FAQs for Gardasil 9 and HPV
- Nocure currently exists; vaccination is vital before sexual
- Yes,low-risk strains (6 & 11) cause warts; high-risk strains may lead to
- Genitalwarts are a visible sign; otherwise, screening like PAP smear helps detect
- Recommendedbetween ages 9 and 11 to maximize protective
- Yes,Gardasil 9 offers better protection; adjustments may be made in
- Yes,to prevent future infections and potential cervical cancer
- Yes,Gardasil 9 protects against nine strains, not all; regular screening remains