Exercise Stress Test Cardiac Stress Test

Measure Your Fitness: Exercise Stress Testing for a Stronger You
The Exercise Stress Test (EST), commonly referred to as the Treadmill Test, is a cardiovascular assessment involving treadmill exercise alongside continuous electrocardiography (ECG) and blood pressure monitoring. Exercise increases the heart rate and workload, enabling detection of potential issues with blood flow within the heart. This test provides insights into how your heart responds during physical exertion.
A healthcare provider might suggest an exercise stress test for several reasons:
- To diagnose coronary artery disease.
- To investigate potential heart-related causes of symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or lightheadedness.
- To establish a safe exercise threshold.
- To diagnose heart rhythm abnormalities.
- To predict the risk of serious heart-related conditions such as heart attacks
The Exercise Stress Test (EST) / Treadmill Test will be done at our KL ECO City branch and it costs only RM 350.
Key points to note before your appointment:
- Please disclose any existing medical conditions or current medications, including inhalers.
- Refrain from consuming caffeine or caffeine-based products 24 hours prior to the test.
- It's recommended to fast for at least six hours before the test and to avoid heavy meals.
- Wear comfortable exercise attire and suitable running shoes for treadmill use.
- If you have excessive body hair, consider a light shave to ensure proper application of electrode patches for ECG monitoring.
- The test will be supervised by our attending physician.
- The duration of the test can vary but typically ranges from five to 20 minutes, depending on health status and test results.
- Each stage of the test lasts approximately three minutes.
- Continuous monitoring will be provided throughout the test, and after completion, you'll receive advice to rest and hydrate.
The stress test results will be reviewed together on the same day.